Community Table Lunch Program
The Community Table Program provides Sonoma County seniors with a welcoming space to enjoy nutritious meals. Our service encourages socialization and community participation through food, activities, and conversation. Please check our Community Table flyer for location, schedule, and contact details.
Program Requirements
Participants must call at least ONE week in advance to reserve a meal
Participants must call at least ONE week in advance for cancellations
For meal reservations and cancellations call 707-525-0143 ext. 128
A suggested $4 contribution is appreciated per meal but not required
Ineligible participants will be charged a $7 cost for a meal. Cash or check only.
Eligibility Requirements
Sonoma County Resident 60 and older (excludes Petaluma residents)
Spouse of any age of a person 60 and older attending service
Disabled persons under 60 years of age if they are a resident in a Senior Community where a Community Table lunch service is located
Disabled caregivers under 60 years of age if they live with an eligible senior and accompany the senior at a Community Table lunch service
Disabled children under 60 years of age if they live with an eligible senior and accompany the senior at a Community Table lunch service​​​

Please click HERE for the Community Table Menu